Daryl Devore's Blog

Daryl Devore's Blog

Saturday 28 May 2022

Backlist Saturday Spotlight features several reviews of Daryl Devore's #hot #billionaire #romance - Desires

 In May - one of my hot billionaire romances is being featured - Desires. Each Saturday it will be something different about the book.

This week - This is the last week of spotlighting this book - so instead of reading my words - read some of the reviews.

Had to have it!

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

I found excerpts of this story on the authors website and just had to have it. It's a great story and I enjoyed this authors work very much. The characters come alive on the page and the story advances at a wonderful pace. In the beginning of the story I felt sorry for Flame, she was trying so hard and luck just wasn't on her side in any way shape or form.
When she meets Peyton they share a fabulously wild night together, but that is all it's meant to be until they are forced back together by a business deal that Peyton is working on. One involving Flame's dance school and the threat of having to close it down or relocate it.
This hard nosed business man finds he's developing a soft spot for Flame and works out a plan for both of them to get what they want. Only Flame doesn't know he's found a way for her to keep her school and overreacts, blaming him for her demise when she learns from her mom that her schools been torched. Naturally, her first thought is that Peyton is behind it. That he was luring her into his bed so he could blind her to his ulterior motives of destroying her school. The tension is high between them and all hope of their being together seems lost until Flame learns the truth.

This is a wonderful love story and I was truly sad to see it end. 


5 Stars Desires is sizzling!

Flame is a woman who does what she needs to do to make ends meet. Pole dancing isn't her idea of a job but she has dreams. Ms. Devore writes a compelling tale of a woman who won't give up her dreams. When she meets a man who turns her on, her world flips on its end. I loved how strong Flame was. She's the kind of woman I admire. Peyton is a dream come true. We'd all love a man like him to would do anything to protect and keep us happy.

If you love a story with fabulous characters, a compelling plot and sizzling chemistry, Desires is for you! I loved it!


 As one of my favorite, and most anticipated authors, I found myself riveted to the characters and the surprising plot twist that threw me for a loop


 5 Stars I glad I read this one

I had never read any of Daryl Devore's books and man, am I glad I read this one! Peyton is the guy we all want and Fuchsia is a girl who is not giving up on her dreams. When the two collide, everything is turned upside down and the result is hot, but also laugh out loud funny. I will definitely have to read more of Devore's books!


5 Stars ...a love story

This story didn't catch my attention right away but I decided to stay with it for some reason and am I ever glad that I did. This short story has all the qualities of a great story and it is all compacted in a manner that makes for a satisfying read. Ms. Devore has convinced me that I need to read more of her books, especially if they are written like this one was. One has the initial attraction between two people, their getting to know each other, the misunderstanding and the makeup between them...what more could one want???? Worth the read.


5 Stars Great story!

This is the first book I have had the privilege of reading by Daryl Devote. I'm hooked!! Peyton and Fuchsia's story was full of heat and love. Their playful banter had me laughing out loud. I would definitely recommend this book to my family and friends.


5 Stars Winnah!

Ms. Devore has done it again. As one of my favorite, and most anticipated authors, I found myself riveted to the characters and the surprising plot twist that threw me for a loop. I read all her books...what can I say.


5 Stars Hot!

As with all of the books I've read of Miss Devore's I loved this one! Great characters, well developed plot and a hot hero! Hot book! Can't wait for more from this author!

Blurb and Buy Links

When secrets conflict with dreams, love explodes. Desires is Daryl Devoré’s hot romance.

After a mistake by a surgeon’s scalpel shattered Fuchsia Quinn's dance career, she picked up the pieces of her life and moved forward. As the owner of a small, struggling dance school in a depressed neighborhood she supplements her income with a late-night job at a strip club. Haunted by the fear of humiliation, if her secret is revealed, her life was under control until the night he walked into the club.

 Peyton Lang, having run from an impoverished neighbourhood, lives the lifestyle of a successful billionaire. Frustrated that his current multi-million dollar project is stalled, Peyton drops in to LEATHER-ICIOUS for a quick drink and late night entertainment. What he saw was a beautiful redhead. What he found was he wanted her.

 After a lusty night with a hot pole dancer, Peyton and Fuchsia's worlds are about to collide.



 Pinterest - DESIRES


 Next Week on Backlist Saturday Spotlight - a different book

  What's happening in May on

 Romance – Sweet to Heat

29 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

30 – #OpenBook Blog Hop 

31 – Spotlight – Jana Richards – The Masonville Series

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Friday 27 May 2022

Daryl Devore's My Books. My Blog. My Post. Sometimes you just need a little kick in the pants. #writing #writingcommunity #WIP #DarylDevore

 I just finished my latest WIP – a medieval fantasy romance. It is currently 106,000 words. (To be honest – I didn’t know I knew that many words – LOL)

I was discussing this with my fabulous cp (critique partner) and said I was a bit worried about the word count. I tried cutting some words, but it seemed every few I cut out I just then added a bit more elsewhere - so I was going nowhere fast.

She said not to worry about the word count.

I replied – I get fantasy stories have higher counts as they have to world build. But this isn’t a “fantasy”. It’s a fantasy romance and romance books have lower word counts. My last fantasy did get a complaint about the description. So I am a bit aware of the word count.

Then she hit me with the kick in the pants.

“You know, a very wise woman once told me, don’t get bogged down. I’ll pass the advice. Just be very very happy and proud of your story and forget the (reasonable) word count.”

Well that “very wise woman” who gave her the advice was me. Why can’t we take out own advice???

Anyway – I sent the book to my fantasy expert beta and commented on being concerned about the word total. Her reply - First, never cut words unless absolutely necessary on fantasy/sci-fi books… then she justified her comment.

OK – I get it. I will take my own advice and not get bogged down. And I won’t worry about the word count unless my beta tells me to.

With a bit of luck – this book will be released in Sept. So more to come on it.

The working title is – Not a Troll.  Which is so NOT the title.

And here’s a fantasy photo to tease you about the story.


 What's happening in May on

 Romance – Sweet to Heat

28 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight

29 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

30 – #OpenBook Blog Hop 

31 – Spotlight – Jana Richards – The Masonville Series

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Saturday 21 May 2022

Backlist Saturday Spotlight features a few teasers from Daryl Devore's #hot #billionaire #romance - Desires

 In May - one of my hot billionaire romances is being featured - Desires. Each Saturday it will be something different about the book.

This week - Some teasers from Desires

Blurb and Buy Links

When secrets conflict with dreams, love explodes. Desires is Daryl Devoré’s hot romance.

After a mistake by a surgeon’s scalpel shattered Fuchsia Quinn's dance career, she picked up the pieces of her life and moved forward. As the owner of a small, struggling dance school in a depressed neighborhood she supplements her income with a late-night job at a strip club. Haunted by the fear of humiliation, if her secret is revealed, her life was under control until the night he walked into the club.

 Peyton Lang, having run from an impoverished neighbourhood, lives the lifestyle of a successful billionaire. Frustrated that his current multi-million dollar project is stalled, Peyton drops in to LEATHER-ICIOUS for a quick drink and late night entertainment. What he saw was a beautiful redhead. What he found was he wanted her.

 After a lusty night with a hot pole dancer, Peyton and Fuchsia's worlds are about to collide.



 Pinterest - DESIRES



Next on Backlist Saturday Spotlight 

May 28 - Reviews.

  What's happening in May on

 Romance – Sweet to Heat

22 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

23 - #OpenBook Blog Hop

24 – Elodie Farms is in a Pickle. GoFundMe for medical expenses for loving goats.

25 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor

26 – Daryl’s Thoughts and Motivational Things #motivation

27 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

28 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight –

29 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

30 – #OpenBook Blog Hop 

31 – Spotlight – Jana Richards – The Masonville Series

Follow Me on Twitter

Sign up for my every other month newsletter 

Friday 20 May 2022

Daryl Devore's My Books. My Blog. My Post - talks about book promo frustrations and a bunny named Winifred.

 This is a brief vent. Well, I try to keep it brief. 

I HATE PROMO! It is such a time suck and avoiding it is even more of a time suck.

I am attempting to work out my newsletter - get it set up as everyone says it should be. Get the reader magnets - the subscribers. Do the swaps etc. But - every time I start something I hit a wall. To do this - first you need to do this. But before you do that - you need to do this. But before you do that - you need to do this.

No, I didn't accidentally type that line twice. I could type it 6 more times and it would still be accurate.

So I do an online search to get help and it's all in computer speak. Simply put the html in your header. My blog header is a photo of a flower. Where do I put the html? So I do a word search for my blogger blog and I get a whole whack of sites explaining how to do it for a Word Press blog. Yes, I did ask how to do it in a Blogger blog.

Frustrating and time consuming. Bangs head on keyboard.

But, the good part is I spend my day cuddling Winifred. A friend asked me to help out at an animal rescue as they brought some animals to a seniors residence. And my job was to keep Winifred warm and feeling secure. She fell asleep in my arms.

 What's happening in May on

 Romance – Sweet to Heat

21 – Backlist Saturday Spotligh

22 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

23 - #OpenBook Blog Hop

24 – Spotlight – Anna J. Stewart – The Mayor’s Baby Surprise

25 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor

26 – Daryl’s Thoughts and Motivational Things #motivation

27 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

28 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight –

29 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

30 – #OpenBook Blog Hop 

31 – Spotlight – Jana Richards – The Masonville Series


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Sign up for my every other month newsletter 

Saturday 14 May 2022

Backlist Saturday Spotlight features two excerpts from Daryl Devore's #hot #sexy #billionaire #romance - Desires

 In May - one of my hot billionaire romances is being featured - Desires. Each Saturday it will be something different about the book.

This week - A couple of scenes from the book.

Last Week I show some photos from the book. This week I will post a scene around each photo.


"Ready to go?" He tugged the backpack zipper closed.


"Hiking boots on?"

She lifted her leg, placing her foot on the edge of the counter. "Hiking books. Check."

"Just so you know. I brought an air horn and bear spray, just in case. We won't need it, though."

She lowered her leg. "Dangerous animal protection. Check. Sexy woman. Hot guy. Check. Sounds like we're ready. Where're we going?"

"My backyard." He opened the door and held it while she stepped through, onto the porch.

He closed it and stepped to her right. "Cover your ears a sec."

She shrugged and placed her hands on the side of her head.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and bellowed, "Spartacus. Come here, boy."

Fuchsia lowered her hands.

"Quick explanation. See that small clump of tall Christmas trees?"

She nodded.

"On the other side of that is where my housekeeper, Catori, her husband, and Spartacus live. That's why there's food in the house and fresh flowers by your bed."

"And the fireplace was lit. I wondered about that last night, but was just too tired to ask." She pointed. "So, are we really just going to hike in your backyard?"

"My backyard is nine hundred acres big."

"Uh… let's not do the whole thing today. Save some for tomorrow."

Chuckling, Peyton offered his hand to help her down the stairs. Her hand felt tiny engulfed in his. His heart skipped a beat when they stepped off the last stair and she didn't release his hand. Spartacus bounded around the trees and raced up to greet them. He ran in a circle, barking and wagging his tail. The fur on his body was dark and his white face was outlined in black. His crisp blue eyes gazing at Peyton as if asking, "Are we going for a walk? Can we? Pul-lease!"

Peyton nodded his head to the left, toward a path. "Come on."

The dog raced ahead.

He squeezed Fuchsia's hand. "Third protection. Spartacus will charge around the bush making loads of noise as he chases a squirrel, or whatever, and anything that's dangerous will silently move away."

She stepped beside him and matched his pace. "He won't get hurt?"

"By a squirrel?"

She gave his shoulder a small shove. "No silly. A bear. A wolf."

"He's not dumb. Actually, he's pretty much a chicken. A bit too spoiled by Catori. Instead of fighting, he'll bolt home."

"Okay. Great. I'm about to wander into the wilds of Alaska protected by a chicken. No worries. What could possibly go wrong?"


 Slightly warmer excerpt

Peyton's focus on his meal was interrupted by the simple fact that every move Fuchsia made heightened his sexual awareness of her. Watching her open her lips and slip a shrimp into her mouth then wipe a dribble of sauce that had escaped and run down her chin was serene torture. He gripped the table to stop himself from leaping across and licking the sauce from her face. Lifting a forkful of noodles, she tilted her head back and let the dangling pasta slip past her lips. When she sucked the noodles into her mouth, a moan rumbled in the back of his throat.

After she'd eaten her last bite, she closed her eyes and shuddered with delight. He swiped a hand across his brow and adjusted his slacks. He poured another flute of champagne and swallowed a mouthful.

She opened her eyes, picked up her napkin, wiped her lips, and sighed. "That was the most incredible meal I've ever eaten."

"You can say that again." He swallowed another mouthful of champagne, then cautioned himself to slow down before he got drunk. And did or said something stupid.

Placing her napkin back on the table, she hunched her shoulders. "Why would you say that?"

"You eat like you dance."

She pursed her lips and frowned. "Well, that needs to be explained."

Chantal placed two wide crystal flutes on the table before Fuchsia and Peyton. He looked at the tall dessert and released a small sigh. Bright red, round cherries, resembling over-plump nipples, nestled in a thick sauce and mounded with whipped cream. He lost himself in a fantasy of pouring the sauce between her breasts and licking every inch of her creamy white skin from her neck to her navel. The ache in his groin snapped him back to the present.

"Hi there." She grinned. "You went far away."

"Uh. Sorry. How impolite of me. I was thinking about how much I love this dessert. It's one of my favorites."

She lowered her spoon into the whipped cream, scooped up some and raised it to her open mouth. Peyton had to release his grip on the stem of the flute before he snapped it. He dipped his spoon into his dessert, snagged a cherry and popped it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it. The pressure in his pants built to an uncomfortable level. Oh man. You gotta stop. You're killing yourself here.

 Blurb and Buy Links

When secrets conflict with dreams, love explodes. Desires is Daryl Devoré’s hot romance.

After a mistake by a surgeon’s scalpel shattered Fuchsia Quinn's dance career, she picked up the pieces of her life and moved forward. As the owner of a small, struggling dance school in a depressed neighborhood she supplements her income with a late-night job at a strip club. Haunted by the fear of humiliation, if her secret is revealed, her life was under control until the night he walked into the club.

 Peyton Lang, having run from an impoverished neighbourhood, lives the lifestyle of a successful billionaire. Frustrated that his current multi-million dollar project is stalled, Peyton drops in to LEATHER-ICIOUS for a quick drink and late night entertainment. What he saw was a beautiful redhead. What he found was he wanted her.

 After a lusty night with a hot pole dancer, Peyton and Fuchsia's worlds are about to collide.



 Pinterest - DESIRES



Next on Backlist Saturday Spotlight 

May 21 - Teasers for Desires

May 28 - Reviews.

  What's happening in May on

 Romance – Sweet to Heat

15 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

16 – #OpenBook Blog Hop

17 – Spotlight – P. Stormcrow - The Playgrounds

18 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor

19 – Spotlight - Amber Daulton – A Hero’s Heart

20 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

21 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight –

22 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

23 - #OpenBook Blog Hop

24 – Spotlight – Anna J. Stewart – The Mayor’s Baby Surprise

25 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor

26 – Daryl’s Thoughts and Motivational Things #motivation

27 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

28 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight –

29 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

30 – #OpenBook Blog Hop 

31 – Spotlight – Jana Richards – The Masonville Series

Follow Me on Twitter

Sign up for my every other month newsletter 

Saturday 7 May 2022

Backlist Saturday Spotlight - Background tidbits and information on Daryl Devore's #hot #billionaire #romance - Desires

 In May - one of my hot billionaire romances is being featured - Desires. Each Saturday it will be something different about the book.

This week - background information and photos.

This is a republished book. It was with my publisher but I have now left that agency. I wasn't happy with the cover and the title didn't work. It was called F.L.E.S.H. - it was an acryomn - but I can't remember it now - the F is for Flame - her name. E - is electric. S - sexy. H - Heat. But I am scratching my head on what the L stood for.

This is the first book that I truly felt I had found my hot romance writer voice. I write in more than one genre and my "style/voice" is different for each. The more formal archaic tone of my medieval fantasy voice wouldn't work well in a contemporary book.

Here are some photos to show what the MC characters look like - the dog - a couple of his homes etc.



Peyton's Miami Home




(You have to read the scene to understand why this dessert photo is perfect.)

When secrets conflict with dreams, love explodes. Desires is Daryl Devoré’s hot romance.

After a mistake by a surgeon’s scalpel shattered Fuchsia Quinn's dance career, she picked up the pieces of her life and moved forward. As the owner of a small, struggling dance school in a depressed neighborhood she supplements her income with a late-night job at a strip club. Haunted by the fear of humiliation, if her secret is revealed, her life was under control until the night he walked into the club.

 Peyton Lang, having run from an impoverished neighbourhood, lives the lifestyle of a successful billionaire. Frustrated that his current multi-million dollar project is stalled, Peyton drops in to LEATHER-ICIOUS for a quick drink and late night entertainment. What he saw was a beautiful redhead. What he found was he wanted her.

 After a lusty night with a hot pole dancer, Peyton and Fuchsia's worlds are about to collide.



 Pinterest - DESIRES



Next on Backlist Saturday Spotlight 

May 14 - A scene or two from the book.

May 21 - Teasers for Desires

May 28 - Reviews.

  What's happening in May on

 Romance – Sweet to Heat

8 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

9 – #OpenBook Blog Hop

10 – Spotlight – Various Authors – Born of Shadows and Magic

11 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor

12 – Daryl’s Thoughts and Motivational Things #motivation

13 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

14 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight –

15 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

16 – #OpenBook Blog Hop

17 – Spotlight – P. Stormcrow - The Playgrounds

18 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor

19 – Spotlight - Amber Daulton – A Hero’s Heart

20 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

21 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight –

22 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

23 - #OpenBook Blog Hop

24 – Spotlight – Anna J. Stewart – The Mayor’s Baby Surprise

25 – Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor

26 – Daryl’s Thoughts and Motivational Things #motivation

27 – My Blog. My Post. My Books

28 – Backlist Saturday Spotlight –

29 – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday

30 – #OpenBook Blog Hop 

31 – Spotlight – Jana Richards – The Masonville Series


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