Daryl Devore's Blog

Daryl Devore's Blog

Monday 12 February 2024

Daryl Devore answers the timely question - Do you ever ask yourself if you are still a writer? #OpenBookBlogHop #writers #impostersyndrome #DarylDevore

Welcome to the Open Book Blog Hop! This week’s theme -Do you ever ask yourself if you are still a writer?

 I've been away from this blog hop and from writing since before the summer. My muse up and walked out on me. It was a tough break-up. I wanted to write. I couldn't. I gave up.

Life went through some messy times. I struggled to get through those and way - waaaay - in the back of my head - every so often that little voice would pop up and toss out an idea for a scene for the book that's been sitting un-loved for about a year.

Then a friend - who is an editor for a local newspaper - asked me to write a series of articles on being a caregiver. I had just spent 10 minutes b*tching about something.

So at 3 in the morning, I wrote 4 articles. I wasn't sure what she wanted so I emailed them to her. I explained they were raw - I hadn't sent them to a cp to be checked. She said they were perfect.

The first one has been published. It's short. She gave me a short word limit per section. Hard to fit the pain and frustration into 300 words. But I did it. I wrote something. And if I can do that - I can still write. Therefore, I am still a writer. (Happy face)

Hey, is that my muse peeking out there?

Image by Ara_a from Pixabay

Now, please visit the other #OpenBook Blog Hop writers. You can find their posts at



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  1. We all need a break from writing from time to time. I take several every year. Glad you're back on form.

  2. Welcome back, Daryl. Perhaps your muse was just needing for you to try something different?
