Daryl Devore's Blog

Daryl Devore's Blog

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Sometimes the simplest advice shocks you because it is so simple. #yogathoughts #ThursThoughts

Apologies if you can't read it. Nat Russo (@NatRusso) has a lot of amazing tweets and hilarious tweets. You should follow him.

This one reads - Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't go to for advice.

In other words - if someone you don't know - don't respect - dumps on you - brush it off.

What's happening in February on Romance -  Sweet to Heat
28 – Cover Reveal
29 – SPOTLIGHT – Addison Carmichael - Hunted by the Dragon

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Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The Evolution of a Book Cover - part 4 - Inspiration strikes! #bookcover #romance

This little little mini series has been explaining what went on as I developed the cover for my latest book.

It had been released in a box set. The set has been unpublished, so I am free to re-publish the story.

To catch up see - part 1 -

part 2 -

part 3 - 

I sent the draft copy of the initials to my friends. One is the person who helps  me  create covers (Two O'clock with the Billionaire, Dark Chocolate and Strawberries, Brawnyn's Love, Love My Fate and Desires). She is my GIMP expert. GIMP is like PhotoShop - a photo manipulation program.

She - who I will call C - was ok with the cover but it didn't knock her socks off. Then inspiration hit her. She said she'd get back to me.

After searching around, C found a photo, then roughed out a cover idea for me.
What inspired her is an element from the story.

The box set, this story was in, was called LawBreakers. Somebody had to be a law breaker. What sexier job is there than jewel thief?
I purchased the photo so she could "do her thing" and on the 28th you will get to see the new cover for my latest romance. This one not designed by me, but by my friend C.

What's happening in February on Romance -  Sweet to Heat
26 - Book Hooks #MFRWhooks #MFRWAuthor
27 - Thursday #Yoga
28 – Cover Reveal
29 – SPOTLIGHT – Addison Carmichael - Hunted by the Dragon

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